Discovery of the target of redcivir by core technology of anku biology

In October 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the antiviral drug remdesivir of Gilead science for the treatment of hospitalized patients with covid-19, becoming the first officially approved covid-19 in the United States. However, due to the strong hepatorenal toxicity, the clinical dose of redcivir has been strictly limited.

The research team led by Josef penninger, chairman of anku biology, applied the core technology of JLP team and found a key pathway of drug toxicity of radecivir: adenylate kinase 2 through single amino acid level high-resolution genetic screening in haploid embryonic stem cell system. This study aimed at two different forms of sars-cov-2 life cycle (i.e. cell invasion through ACE2 receptor and intracellular viral RNA replication), and used redcivir in combination with human soluble ACE2 in two models of Vero E6 monkey kidney cells and kidney organoids. The experimental results show that in these two models, combined therapy significantly improves the treatment window for sars-cov-2.

This experiment proved that the combined use of two drugs targeting different targets can play a significant role in increasing the efficiency and reducing the toxicity in the process of anti sars-cov-2 infection. This major discovery laid a theoretical and practical foundation for the clinical trial of covid-19 combined drug therapy.